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Marine conservation zones in force

isle of man fishing

Marine conservation zones will be in force from 1 November 2016.

A number of measures are being introduced to combat over-fishing off the Isle of Man’s coast.

Five new three-mile ‘conservation zones’ – where the commercial fishing of King Scallops will be prohibited – are being implemented from 1 November.

The marine conservation zones are a number of measures that are being implemented by the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA) to help protect the marine population against aggressive fishing methodss such as trawl and dredge fishing – while still allowing for leisure activities and small-scale crab and lobster potting.

The designation of the Marine Protected Areas has been a key element of a package of measures aimed at providing a stable, successful and secure Manx fishery.

Progress has been achieved as a result of the close working relationship between the Isle of Man Government and representatives of the fishing industry, including the Manx Fish Producers Organisation.

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